Have you ever found yourself floating in infinite space?
This experience of black space (or grey space, or countless dots of light) when you’re asleep is often known as the ‘void’. I call it ‘the gap between dreams’ because this is dream space, there’s just no imagery.
Although some people might initially experience the void as a scary space, if you relax and give it a chance, the void is actually full of creative and meditative potential.
Back in the days when the void was not a common experience for me, I once found myself floating in infinite black space. I hung there for a while wondering if this was an OBE or just a very boring lucid dream, before amusing myself by building up an invisible orchestra, instrument by instrument, to thunderous and realistic effect, despite the fact that the height of my waking-life musical ability amounted to playing ‘Three Blind Mice’ on the recorder when I was seven. The crescendo was so loud that I woke up… to a silent bedroom.
Why do some people find the lucid void scary?
Because in the void, we have nothing familiar to cling to in terms of imagery and spatial sense.
It’s like floating bodiless in nothingness, so at first it feels nothing like regular lucid dreaming. People struggle to wake up and if they can’t, they panic.
Also, a trip to the void can involve disorienting sensations of rocketing along, being tossed around or falling steeply, as in this example of my own from twenty years ago:
I’m dreaming, I realize, and immediately the dreamscape bucks and swirls, tipping me over into a shooting flight, down and down at an incredible speed into a rainbow-colored vortex which seems to be made up of an infinite number of dots. I’m not frightened but it’s all I can do to hold onto my lucidity as I am sucked along into spirals of this color and light… I am propelled out of the bottom of it into a motionless space. I am suspended in space – dream space, I think. There is nothing here, just millions of greyish dots and I am one of the dots… A feeling of great peace comes over me and a sense of gentle, infinite expansion…
However bumpy the ride, once we arrive, we are lucid in this vast space – effortlessly lucid. This is itself a wonderful thing. It can be the most restful, beautiful experience just to hang out in the lucid void, free from physical aches and pains, free from sensory distractions. In the void we are able to just ‘be’ in a way that is almost impossible in the crazy multi-sensory fiesta of dreams and waking life.
Tips for navigating the void
- Relax! Go with the flow. You will wake up safely after this experience, so just see what it brings. Adapting an attitude of alert curiosity is best, and breathing deeply from the belly (if you have a belly, that is – you may feel you are simply disembodied conscious awareness).
- Look around. The blackness is not only black. Look for patches of light, swirling forms, geometric shapes. Explore the fabric of your personal lucid void.
- Experiment with thought. Try thinking hard of something (an apple, a cloud) and see if it materialises. Or try visualising a scene and see if this turns into a lucid dream. But don’t get too attached to outcomes – just play!
There’s so much more to learn about what we can do in the lucid void as a liminal state of consciousness. The void is explored in my books, most deeply in Llewellyn’s Complete Book of Lucid Dreaming. which dedicates an entire chapter to it, along with other chapters on what happens when we meditate in lucid dreams, conscious dying, lucid dreams of the divine, and more.
To deepen your own journey with specially created guided lucid dream meditations, you may feel inspired to try my Yoga Nidra for Lucid Dreaming course, and/or my Dream Yoga course. All of the blissful lucid audio journeys are downloadable and yours to use whenever you want, forever.
Is it possible to enter the void by will
Yes Enrique, it is. I often do this by back-flipping out of the dream I’m in, and falling into the void. Or by meditating when I get lucid in a dream. Or you could just say aloud: “I want to experience the void”.
Have fun exploring!
I have never had a dream in which i’m already IN the void. What happens with me is that i’m in a normal dream and i just start flying and at some point i reach the void, i see it, but i’m scared to go any further and go in it so i try had to go back to the normal dream but for some reason i feel like it pulls me.
Hi Leslie,
the void can be a fascinating space to explore, and it can help to reduce fear if you practise “entering the void” in your imagination while awake and deeply relaxed.
Good luck,
I used to have dreams like these when I was a kid. I used to tell people I was having a nightmare but really had no way of explaining it. I wonder if DMT trips are similar to this ? Any thoughts?
Hi Clare this was really interesting for me to read.
I have a fear of space and the unknown, not aliens but the universe and what it all means. It’s usually makes me Question life and think of death.
I think it could be related to a dream/nightmare I used to have when I was younger on a regular basis. The dream was I falling and falling very fast through a black tunnel/hole. I would feel out of control and scared and this would wake me up where I would take a deep breath.
So my question is do you think this is what you have described and do you think my fear is related to this?
Any input would be welcomed thank you
Hi Gemma,
I only saw this message now – sorry for the delay. Many children have the experience you relate here, of falling endlessly through space. It has to do with the transition between wake and sleep, hence the expression “falling asleep”, but it also elicits a cosmic awareness of the self as tiny and helpless, lost in infinity.
I think your fear could well be related to these childhood experiences, but the good thing is, there are ways of liberating yourself from this fear. You could try lying down, relaxing, and imaginatively re-entering one of your childhood falling dreams, only this time the adult you is there to reassure and comfort your younger self, supporting her in your arms or telling her a funny story, whatever feels right. Relive the dream without fear. This sounds simple (and it is) but it can be very effective.
Another way of engaging with your fear is to follow your questions about life and death to their conclusions – it is good (in my view) to consider the nature of the universe, and wonder what happens after death. I think it’s actually something we can all benefit from – but fear is pretty pointless, as it paralyses us and prevents us from living our fullest life. So when you encounter fear, examine it, go into it… and release it if you can.
I hope this helps, sorry again that I didn’t see your message before.
Lucid wishes,
I recently had a lucid dream upon awakening, and I was literally looking into the void of my sleeping mind. There were clock spring like things floating in there. It was only a momentary glimpse.
It’s so interesting, unusual and original when we get to peek into these inner worlds.
I’ve experienced this so many times last night it happened again.
I fell into a deep sleep and was stuck in that void exactly as you’ve explained it to be but I had no physical form while there I panicked and tried to escape it because it felt so real.
As soon as I escaped it and woke up I thought it was over but when I closed my eyes again I went back in an instant, this happened several times throughout the night now that i know theres no danger to me i will explore it.
Wonderful to hear you now plan to explore the void without fear, Andrew. It can be a beautiful place to hang out and relax or meditate or build a brand new dream. It’s also a gateway to lucid dreaming.
hey i took some cannabis and went to sleep suddeny i was in this black void where i was completly off from reality i was scared and my thoughts went to dark so how do i control it
if you move you can wake up. also one time i said something and someone responded so you can have conversations in there
Ok. I am able figure out that I am dreaming and then purposely jump off of something to pop myself out of the dream and feels like my body. I can never control where I go and sometimes I do flips for a while. But then one time someone caught my arms and she had red eyes and put me back into the a dream but I knew I was dreaming but everything had texture and weight when I touched it. I have such a hard time finding information as this seems to be very subjective to a lot of people and I never really find a common pattern in everyone’s stories. Any real info would be great
Posted this question in a FB group for OBE’s
… ‘ello folks. I’m curious if anyone else experiences this.
Well, when I close my eyes I see a Black vastness & billions of super-tiny white dots that shimmer & swirl w/ the blackness. The blackness swirls in a circular motion while billowing (like smoke) into various shapes. As I focus on a speck of light far off (there are many that come & go)… and eventually manage to keep focused on one. The swirling speeds up & intensifies… body begins to numb & I get the feeling that I’m about to “go somewhere”. We all know what happens from there. I’ve had many OB experiences.
This is what I see anytime I close my eyes & focus. It’s really intense right away when I’m already woozy or just waking up. The more relaxed I am – the more intense that swirling black smoke is.
Does any of this sound familiar to anyone else?
Hi Christopher,
I see exactly that every night I’m trying to go to sleep, when my brain won’t switch off and is just thinking so many different thoughts at once, I consciously focus on just that, I call it ‘grey fuzzies’ as it kinda looks like that, but your description perfectly captures what I’m seeing…I find if I just repeat ‘grey fuzzies’ over and over in my head, sometimes getting louder to drown out all my other thoughts, I quickly manage to fall asleep.. works every time!
I’m fascinated to read all about everyone else’s experiences with this, I can’t say if I’ve ever actually encountered it in a dream, I’ll be looking out for it now because I dream so much every night, I seem to wake up more tired than I went to sleep!
Thank you for sharing your story
Im always in the void when i sleep…. I also have an impossible time consciously visualizing images
Hello C
I also am always in the void.. and unable to ‘picture’. Though Instill actively dream— it is more of a knowing.. with a few moments of holographic patterns. something. I’ve recently understood this phenomena to be known as Aphantasia. For a long time I didn’t realize others could actually see pictures!
Hi Kristie, yes, some people have aphantasia, however, I know people who were able to develop visual imaging despite this – and dreams or creative spaces such as the void can really help with this, if you are interested in experiencing “seeing pictures” 🙂
Have fun exploring!
Thank you Clare. My apologies for the delayed response – I am just seeing this. I am encouraged to know that the ability can be developed. Thanks for sharing. I look forward to exploring! 🙂
Hi, I pray you are still answering questions. Well here it goes. When I’m in the void I can feel my whole body. I had 2 crazy instances one I was walking thru the void. Dark space smokey holding my baby then a burst of light walks up to me and says they know my baby she has gotten big. .. very weird..next dream I’m floating and I see a speck of light it gets then I start to spiral towards it really fast. After spiraling I landed in the back seat of someone’s truck. Very sunny outside BUT HE SEEN ME and I scared him to the point he dropped his cigarette ..again weird also I think something traveled with me I could feel it but couldn’t see it
Hi Heather, yes, these experiences can feel bewildering as we sometimes seem to travel through space and drop into another person’s waking physical reality.
These encounters with the Lucid Light in the form of specks or floating lightforms are common, and amazing. I write about the Lucid Light in Llewellyn’s Complete Book of Lucid Dreaming. My advice would be to stay calm and curious through these experiences, and be open to any information or wisdom you receive.
I experience the same the tiny dots that swirl l. I have encountered I a star like figure that is close up to start then fades back and if I concentrate on this light/star I notice a swirl of smaller stars. I at this moment connect it with the spiritual eye that has many names. The swirl of the many other stars or lights that can be focus on I think is related to the torus pattern/energy of our minds.
When I go to sleep, I detach from the body and I return to the Universe and I perceive SpaceTime as an Ocean of Electromagnetic Field, which then I proceed to attach my spinal cord to SpaceTime?
SpaceTime crystallized around me creating a bubble, which I use to travel anywhere in the Universe and experience the edge of SpaceTime to realize that our Universe resides within a Sphere
Then, I travel to the curveture of the Sphere and leave the Universe and see the Universe from the outside
I find myself within the Unfathomable Darkness of Negative Existence of the Infiniverse and I submerge in the Primeval Ocean and sleep united to the Waters of Life
“The Epistemology of the Crocodile King, the Lord of Sahu”
Last night I had a strange but amazing dream. I dreamt that I saw an opening in the sky – kinda like a spilt sky vertically – within that opening was something long and massive – like tree bark. I could see hints of color like greens, maybe red and remeber feeling scared. I thought it was the end of the world and prepared for my last moments. Then I remeber seeing this hole open up before me and I convinced myself to jump in to get the process over with. As I jumped in, fear became complete bliss – I saw yellows, greens, oranges, and purples – all geometric shapes and remembered how amazing it felt falling through. It felt like I was going as fast as light. After a short time, i had another dream where I was on a beach with my dad, and a dog I was trying to befriend came at me and bite me in the face…my dad ended up killing it and then I think I woke up. Not sure if the last part had anything to do with the previous – but thought it was strange.
Hi Victoria, the first part of your experience is typical of the lucid void, what you describe feels very familiar to me too. Wonderful that you decided to jump through the portal and experienced the bliss which is so often connected to these void states. Thanks for sharing, Dr. Clare
me personally always have these dreams well not dreams but just black nothing like dots or anything it happens when I really don’t know but it makes me very tired in the morning.very confusing I will need an explanation about this pls.plus does it happen to everyone.
Ok so I had a dream I was standing in a closet shuffling through the clothes hanging on the rack then all of the sudden this unseen force pulled me into a black void I was floating and feeling a bit scared so I woke myself up I had never experienced anything like it … is there a meaning to this ?
Hi Jessica,
this often happens in dreams – the sense of being pulled into another space. I often feel it happens to invite us to explore our dreams and consciousness more deeply. The black void is a fascinating space – I call it the gap between dreams, as there is no typical dream imagery usually. It’s a space of infinite creative potential.
It’s good to release fear in that state if it happens again, and maintain an attitude of alert curiosity. Once I built up an entire orchestra in my head in the void, just for fun, and other times I have experienced deep bliss, and the sense that I am one with everything. It can be wonderful. I have written a lot about the void in Llewellyn’s Complete Book of Lucid Dreaming, and also elsewhere on this site.
I hope this helps, I wish you great fun exploring the void.
I don’t know how to deal with this, but I often get dreams where I would only face black and it’ll only take some time before I wake up (and realize it’s morning). I can’t move around, and I usually get dreams like this. I do want to ask on how because sometimes they’re so short, and sometimes it’s so long but it’s frequent for me until now.
This sounds like sleep paralysis and an experience of the lucid void, Silvery. Just relax and feel curious about it, this is a state of effortless lucidity so you can use it to enter a lucid dream if you like, or meditate… have fun experimenting!
This very close to what I experienced the other night. I was floating peacefully in a infinite black space. I had no body and I was very relaxed. In the dark I noticed little flecks of light and soon two large orbs of light with super ragged edges started swirling around me. I feel overcome with love. They said: not yet sherry. Too soon. When I woke the feeling of love abs peace was still with me. What does this mean!? It was the most wonderful dream I have ever had.
So beautiful, Sherry! Light is very precious in dreams and can give rise to deep bliss states.
I hope you can help me! This is going to sound like all kinds of twisted and you will probably think I’ve been smoking something but here goes…
*NOTE* I don’t smoke or take illegal drugs. I do however use Mirtazipine to promote sleep but only on occasion*
Two nights ago I had a dream (well, I think it was a dream) where I was flying through space at incredible speeds and it was kind of like how a time travel or vortex is depicted on TV and I could see space rock and planets whooshing past as I hurtled through this vortex until I started to descend at an equally as fast speed into some kind of room.
The room was purple (lilac neon lit) and other people were there (nobody spoke to me, they just glanced and walked by me). Myself and the other people in my dream were entering and leaving elevators.
I remember descending in the elevator…None of the people in my dream I knew personally. Never seen them before in my life.
There was however, a guy who featured prominently in my dream who claimed he was an ‘alien’ specie and he came from ‘Elixir’ or something of that name.
I asked him at the beginning of my dream if he could take me to where he came from and he paused and said it wasn’t up to him.
However, he disappeared from my dream until I found myself hurtling through space and descending down into the purple lit room and when I descended in the elevator and the doors opened this guy who described himself of alien race (but looked very human like, but with strange english speech) talked about how we won World War III and showed me a slideshow of a Colonel or Army General beside a fighter jet with letters and numbers on it.
It was around this time when I woke up suddenly.
I don’t whether it was a nice dream or quite unnerving because I felt the speed I was travelling at (which wasn’t a nice experience) and I felt everything throughout the dream until I woke.
I’ve never had this kind of dream before, but unlike any other dream I’ve had, I seemed to remember it quite plainly.
Hi Rego,
thanks for sharing your experience. This kind of experience is fairly common, particularly the sensations of flying through space at incredible speed.
You didn’t ask a particular question in relation to your dream, but if you feel you’d like to discover more about the content of your experience, you could try a dream re-entry technique where you close your eyes and mentally imagine yourself back into the scene. Lucidly aware in this waking dream re-entry, you could then ask questions of the people you met and find out more.
Sometimes dreams can be bewildering but simultaneously amazing. When I first started having experiences of being ripped out of a dream and flung through space at a zillion miles an hour, I was a little surprised and confused about what was happening, but soon I was actively seeking these experiences as when you relax into them and take a curious, open-minded approach, they can become part of a fascinating personal journey and help us to understand more of life’s mysteries and the deeper questions.
I wish you good luck and enjoyment with your further explorations,
When I was a child I consistently had fits of walking in my sleep. Often my parents told my that I would scream at things, or have a sort of conversation with nothing during these fits. I only ever remembered flashes of what I was really doing during these fits, but for the most part I remember being in this “space.” I avoid your term of void because this space feels solid and not up for change.
The “space” was infinite with a white ceiling that had an endless horizon and a black hole for the floor, but I always was in between the two. I was trapped there, alone with a feeling that I was so far away from reality that I may never find my way back. It was very silent there, except for a voice that would command me to, well I dont very well remember what, but I remember being very afraid of the voice.
Anyway, I wanted to ask if this sort of experience is the same as this “void” as ever since I’ve never had a dream I can vividly remember. No nightmares at all.
Hello Bastian,
thanks for your message. What you describe doesn’t sound like the void to me – you refer to this experience as resulting in “fits” and sleepwalking/screaming. Possibly this was a type of night terror – usually children have zero recall of what occurs during a night terror, but in some cases there is recall.
If you are interested in revisiting this experience in order to discover more about its origin and work out why it consistently happened when you were a child, you might consider mentally re-entering that space (while knowing that you are safe and can stop the experience whenever you like), and exploring it imaginatively, or asking questions and seeing if responses come.
Should you wish to read more about the void and other lucid states of consciousness where there is no regular dream imagery, there are chapters on this in Llewellyn’s Book of Lucid Dreaming.
It might also be interesting for you to attempt to recall your dreams, since you mention never remembering a vivid dream. I wish you luck with your explorations!
Warm wishes,
I had a dream that i was on my balcony sitting there relaxing then for some reason i looked up at the sky it was all purple with stars similar to this photo here http://hdqwalls.com/wallpapers/shooting-stars-in-purple-sky-k8.jpg
and then i saw a constellation that had the shape of a female lion or male lion i couldn’t tell or it might just be a domestic cat. And Then i called my sister out to see it. As i called my sister out i told her hey look it’s leo.
After awhile of staring at it i started to look around to see if i can find more constellations then all of a sudden i saw a dark void. It was pretty small but it was still notice able. I Then started to stare deep into it and for some reason i felt fear or doom. And the more i stared into it the more scared i was. Then at a certain point i woke up from the dream.
Hi Yan,
there are so many lions, tigers and other big cats in the dreams people are talking to me about at the moment 😉 Must be something in the air.
Thanks for sharing about the dark void you saw. Dreams are thought-responsive environments, so if we feel fear, things tend to get scarier. Next time, try to remain calm and fearless – after all, you will wake safely in your bed after this experience, so why not be curious and explore a little? I learned this many years ago after first struggling against the dream… but as soon as I relaxed and explored, fascinating and beautiful things happened in the void.
I wish you luck exploring further.
I had a dream last night which really scares me. I mean, I’m still shook now.
I don’t even remember falling asleep when this happened but I was in the void as the article explained. It was just a black expanse and I there were these spherical things with faces on them and they kept rolling into each other causing chain reactions which went on for miles it seemed!
I started realizing that this would happen infinitely and kinda started panicking. It was already a black infinite expanse, but it somehow got darker as this star I was in began to fade.
Then the void itself seemed to be fading sort of like an old cartoon (Looney Toons in specific when the screen closes on Porky)
I really started panicking and screamed for help trying to get through the closing hole and I reached out and could feel my bed, then I woke up scared outta my mind and afraid to go back to sleep.
This article helped a lot but I’m still really shook.
Thanks though
I guess I just wanted to really share this
Hi Jaden,
sounds like you had a scary time in the void. When I first started having regular lucid void experiences, I didn’t know how to handle them, and the one vital thing to remember is that generally, the more frightened you get, the more frightening the dream tends to become, because you are in a thought-responsive environment. So it’s super-important to work on staying calm and curious. After all – you will wake up safely in your bed after this experience is over.
What I did all those years ago was teach myself to breathe calmly (in the dream state you have control over your breathing), and I would sometimes say a kind of mantra like “I am safe, I am safe,” to remind me that there was no need to freak out.
These simple techniques helped me so much, soon I even looked forward to my time in the void because I understood that it’s a space of infinite creative potential. It’s exciting!
If it happens again, stay calm and try a few experiments, like intending for something beautiful to appear – you could call out: “Void, show me something amazing!” and see what it comes up with. It can be such a magical experience.
I wish you well in your explorations,
Hi everybody, I got still some lucid dreams, and read two book, from Laverge and Robert Waggoner, this morning, i woke up, went to bathroom, came back to bed, relax and try the WILD technique, i felt so relax, i got a small bizarre dream, dark after that, and i felt my spirit going out, my arms and legs, this sensation, i have no words, so i thought, ok the scene of my dream i want a beach, just the word beach, i saw into the dark the word fair, but,
I felt a vortex, just dark and felt the waves of the sea, the wids, just felt i am in the beach, no image at all so i think i got excited and woke up
I am in my late 60s and when I was a young kid (less than 7) I had very vivid intergalactic dreams. I remember just moving around at light speed in the nebulous depths of space. Many planets, some huge, some as if I was viewing them from a nearby moon. I don’t think these were dreams. They were associated with living in our first house. Once we moved, it ended like a light switch turning off.
I always thought it was cool. Never bothered me. It was just a life experience. It wasn’t until later I wondered what exactly I experienced. There was definitely a portal of some type in that house. I knew it at the time. I could l feel it.
Any idea what this was?
Has anyone else experienced this?
I don’t want to date myself but this was before any space exploration or tv shows, I had no books on the topic.
I would love to understand this better.
Hi Joe. I think young kids are open to some incredible experiences – I know as a child I certainly had some major lucid dreams, visions, out of body experiences and inner awakenings. And some places hold a special power and make such journeying more likely. My childhood home was a 300-year-old converted farmhouse in the middle of nowhere, and it had amazing power and rich portals into other worlds, at least that was my experience. Thanks for sharing.
Funny I had this dream last year however I still remember it so vividly it was quite simple…I’m quite an dreamer but this one was like no other…I simply was in space but was apart of it I was consciousness I wasn’t scared I was at total peace below me I could see a bubble in that bubble I could see myself walking around talking interacting with family and I felt the most intense love than I’ve ever felt but it was for myself and I thought you just don’t know how beautiful and wonderful you are and my consciousness felt so overwhelmed by this concept because I knew once I was back in her I would have all life’s truths and past experiences and future worries on my shoulders but it was so peaceful I woke up thinking that’s the place before birth and after life this eternal bliss and love in the void…brings me back to the saying I met God and she was black lol x
That’s so beautiful Nyomi, I’m happy you had that experience and that you shared it with me. This is the blissful state that we find when we enter what I call the “Lucid Light”, and I agree with you that this is the place (or loving light) we emerge from at birth and re-enter at death. The wonderful thing about this type of lucid experience is that we will always carry within us that inner knowledge of the oneness we share with every other living being, and the total bliss and peace we will return to.
Sweet dreams!
First time I found myself in the black void (stuck between awake and sleep) I felt as if I was “still” when in theory I should be falling – a day before I was lucid dreaming and learned to handle flying through the air which I found exciting and little scary as I couldn’t quite manage to slow down or manoeuvre as good as I thought I should be, but did ok – so when in the black void for the first time didn’t frighten me as much as it would have if I didn’t know how to manoeuvre in it. I waited for something to happen and it did. I heard a noise as if something was scuttling around the floor or skirting ( I know, how could there be a floor or skirting if it felt like an infinite black void? Anyways, I found myself moving towards the sound of the scuttling – as if trying to stop it from getting past me – so there I was playing this game of stopping this little thing like a mouse trying to get by me. Then it stopped scuttling about and I stopped trying to block it off – never once seeing what it was that was trying to get past. then I heard a tapping sound like fingers tapping from above. Had a feeling I was inside an open box and these fingers over the edge of the top taping and someone peeking over at me. Then the fingers started making the same sound as the scuttling and I knew what ever it was it was playing a joke on me and I wasn’t too pleased at this and said telepathically “whatever” huffy and childish on my part I should have seen the funny side of it and asked it a question or two but instead I just opened my eyes and was pissed off with the thing for taking the mickey All I have to do in the dream world or astral is open my eyes if I don’t like what’s going down – very confident on that score. Month ago, into the black void again and was excited about this as hasn’t happened in a while and was ready to push out of the body and into another dimension when out of the blue a voice came through as clear as anything I have ever hear – female. She said “is there anything you want to know?” I began to panic and think of something to say as I didn’t want the moment to end abruptly so I said “have I any children?” The voice said “yes, one, would you like to see her?” I said yes and before my eyes stood a man and middle aged woman and a little girl about three or four stood between them looking rather shy as she looked my way. the two adults I took to be guardians for some reason and they looked rather glum as if they weren’t to pleased to see me there. Oh, and it was all black and white and as if they were behind a polythene sheet or like looking through cataracts. When I see like this I think I may be in parallel universe as in the astral and dream world I see in vivid color especially dream world. But that little girl – wont ever forget that Is she still to be born into this world? For a long time now I’ve thought I must have a non physical child – wont go into why as I’m going on a bit now. Opened my eyes and that was it. now waiting to get caught in the void and see if I can get some answers.
Thank you for sharing your void experience, Jim.
You can find out more about the little girl in future void explorations.
Long before my daughter was born I dreamed of her and knew she was my future child.
Ask the dream to discover more about yours!
Lucid wishes,
Thanks, Clare. 29 years ago (first and only love) I made non-physical all conditional love to her. It was like performing a sacred ritual and I wouldn’t have known how to do that – It was our souls doing it and we were but bystanders being allowed to watch. Was as if our external physical skin were being gently brushed off – imagine it not being skin but the finest of dust covering our non- physical instead of skin. The ritual was so meticulous that it seemed to take for ever and a day brushing it off so that it wouldn’t fall back down on to our bodies – never once touching our sexual parts until the very last. I wouldn’t have known how to do such a thing and over such a sustained period of time. Then it happened – I was making unconditional love to mother earth – mother earth is alive! I was being so tender and loving to everything that ever was, is, or ever shall be. literally cuddling hugging and delving into mother earth as if it were so small but a living mass and could feel something all around which I assumed to be God or the universe all around smiling. I believe at that moment we had an non-physical child – I know it’s crazy and delusional to think such a thing but I believe that child I seen with her guardians is a result of that night. Why? Time is an illusion for the earth experience. That night was a blessing but it there was a heavy price to pay ( I won’t go into it). Thanks for taking the time to reply as haven’t shared that with anyone.
Thanks for expanding on your experience, Jim. I wish you well discovering more about all of this!
Hi Clare,
I would dearly love you to clarify my dream for me… I am in the void and see many red constellations and they scare me to death, then i wake.
Hi Lisa, sorry you feel so scared in the void. In your place, I would mentally re-enter the void (while awake and relaxed) and explore it, knowing I am safe and can be there without fear. When we take the fear out of a situation, astonishing and beautiful transformations can happen.
I would probably also explore my associations with the colour red, and honour the dream by drawing the constellations or writing about them.
I hope you manage to free yourself of the fear – try to replace it with curiosity and a spirit of adventure if you can, and remember you will wake up safely in your bed.
Good luck,
One of the most intense dreams I’ve had included the void in multiple ways. It started with me waking from a bed that wasn’t mine, It felt like an OBE and I defiantly was lucid. I walked through the wall in front of me then flew across a random town to see my aunt and sister. I saw them in there house having a lot of fun and I felt content. Then all of a sudden I “woke up” but was not really awake. As a matter of fact I woke up in the same way I had just woken up before in the same unknown bed in the same room. It was a dream within a dream. I then was filled with a feeling best described as impatience, and instead of walking through the wall in front of me I ripped it open with my hands and entered the Void. No grey lights, no planets, just pure black. I felt as if I was floating and was concerned and a little scared. I woke up shortly after. Now this is the part that blows my mind a little, a few weeks later I had a wild dream different but with a common thread of the void. It included me going through a normal day at school, but then on the way home I found myself surrounded by a circle of fire, there were two people wearing yellow smiley faced masks on skate boards going up and down a half pipe. I then looked down at myself and I was shocked to see I was not myself but I was a creature. A creature I had only partial to little knowledge about. I looked at my lower body, hairy and hoofed. I looked to my sides and saw I had huge black wings, and I could only assume I had become the fabled creature Baphomet. I was not scared nor happy but I had a feeling of immeasurably intense power. In an instant I took off soaring through the sky, with incredible speed I saw many planets fly past me, I kept flying with no signs of slowing down. I had finally noticed the planets have long sense faded away and I was in the void again, but this time I had remembered I was here before and felt more comfortable in the space, I kept flying at the same intense speed. It felt as if I was flying through nothingness until I noticed a light slowly approaching. I found myself flying through a futuristic town of flying cars and technological wonders I can hardly explain, however I kept flying. I eventually found myself in a huge room with three mirror walls to the left, in front of me, and to the right. I crashed right through the mirror in front of me only to find myself in the same room, shocked I look below me and see the most beautiful crystal I can imagine with a rainbow shine to it. Without much thought I crashed into it and found myself in another void. This Void however was pure white, but in every other way felt the same as the other black void. I finally stopped flying. Then a deep voice begins speaking to me as a purple line manifests in front of me. The voice was saying some of the most inspirationally wise things I’ve ever heard, while the purple line seemed to grow creating simple geometrical patterns that eventually transformed into an alien evolutionary timeline. I woke up from the dream shortly after but could never remember what the voice was telling me. Anyway long dream description but any ideas on deciphering it?
Hi Mohammad,
thanks for sharing your amazing experiences in the void! I’ve been travelling so only got to it now, sorry for the delay.
It sometimes happens that we receive wisdom in lucid states and then to our frustration we can’t recall the details of that wisdom when we awaken, but this is the deep knowledge we all have within us and it can be enough to take this kind of intense and spiritual experience as a reminder that we have access to deep wisdom.
In your place, with such a transformative and fascinating lucid experience, I would probably honour it in some way, by creating art from it or incorporating the most powerful and beautiful aspects such as the rainbow crystal into waking meditations. This helps us to remain connected to our deep dreaming self.
Lucid wishes,
Just had this experience last night, so I scoured Google, not expecting too much, and was shocked to find this. So glad it’s an experience others have had. I found myself in a lucid dream last night… floating in nothingness.. pitch black. I said some words and my voice had a clear quality that echoed… I wasn’t able to maintain lucidity as long as I typically can, but this is my second experience with the lucid void. The first time, I manifested an apple. 🙂 Hope to get in there again and do some intentional, meaningful, and creative work.
Fantastic, well done Beth, manifesting an apple is a great step 🙂 The lucid void is such a creative state, you can be and do and create anything, and allow things to manifest spontaneously too. Enjoy yourself!
I wonder what happens if you go through the white light while in the void. Alot of people experience that light/tunnel in near death experience buddhist call it the colorless light. Been through the multicolored vortex from ld/obe.
You can also enter the void to some extent while awake during your day to day activity, remain detached from experience and have a detached watcher perspective. In this state the world will feel dream like. Don’t think this is healthy to function in the world though, the west call it depersonalization/derealization east satori/kensho. There’s a fine line between insanity and enlightenment.
Just make sure you have balance and all will be well.
Hi Adam,
yes, the light (which I term the Lucid Light) seems to be the same light as that which is reported in near death experiences and in many other experiences too, such as deep meditation, blissful lucid states, and so forth. And yes, it is possible to enter the void while awake,for sure. Just best not to do it while driving a car 😉
Lucid wishes,
I had what to be a dream last night that started out as a regular dream where I wasn’t aware I was dreaming and then I got sucked out of it. So, a little bit about me before I describe what happened in my dream/lucid dream?… just to explain why I am still frightened and shook up about it.
I grew up in a family with Christian beliefs and everything about The Bible has been instilled and programmed into my mind (including hell). It’s not always easy having a relationship with my family members because I’ve ventured off of that path and have wanted to explore my spirituality for multiple reasons.
I love crystals and Oracle cards, I have psychic experiences all the time, see and hear spirits and Angels. I’ve always been highly sensitive, even as a child and also was abducted by aliens all throughout my early years as a child- which is also another reason for wanting to explore my spirituality because I’ve always known there is more than what I was taught growing up. I never took my spirituality seriously though until I got older, around age 23. Since 2012 I’ve gone back and forth on my spiritual path because of my fear of “what if there is a hell, and what if all this stuff that I love is wrong?” And my family constantly throwing it in my face. I will have these wonderful experiences with seeing Angels while meditating and hearing messages from them… but when I have any sort of bad experience (i’ve felt evil beings on me, sleep paralysis and see dark entities sometimes) I go straight back into that place in my mind where I was taught that what I’m doing is “evil” as my family would say.
So, In my dream last night, nothing was out of the ordinary at first… was in some abandoned building with white lighting, teal walls and concrete floors… I wasn’t aware I was dreaming at this point…
but then all of a sudden I was sucked out of the dream and was in this big black hole full of nothingness and I was falling so fast and could feel it, at this point I was aware I was falling and
I was very aware of my surroundings. The falling wasn’t ending and felt like forever. I could reach out all around me and feel nothing at all. At first I wasn’t afraid at all but when it wasn’t stopping I started to panic. My first thought was “Okay, I can feel everything right now and this must mean I’ve died and I’m on my way to hell”. I was so afraid of hitting the bottom of that black hole and worried about what would be down there if I did.
So, with the beliefs that have been instilled into me growing up, I called out to Jesus to please help me and instantly I was sucked out of the dark black hole where I was falling and I fell into a white room from the ceiling onto the floor and just like that I was back into regular dream world.
I guess I’m just wondering if there is an explanation for this. The whole experience really frightened me and I still feel afraid… and I guess I’m not sure if it’s because of my upbringing or what.
If you have any answers or reassurance I would be very appreciative. Thank you!
Why does my dream in void only light not dark space?
but my dreams only come if I have an illness, such as a high fever, and a suspicious disease.
And also in my dreams everything is just white space and lots of white blocks that move and I am one of them, at that time I usually cannot actively control my body (block). also, after waking up I usually found that I dry from head to toe until it wets my bed.
Hi Aziz,
the void can have light of any colour. Many times I float in luminosity and it can be deeply healing and refreshing.
Maybe those dreams come to heal you when you are ill?
The white blocks sound interesting. I also have white space dreams but no white blocks usually 😉 Everyone is different. Enjoy exploring your dream world.
Warm wishes,
what kind of void when your dreams is all black? noting else. Is that a regular dream?
That’s the lucid black void, Yuna. Relax and meditate in this space and wonderful things may happen.
Scary. I wana soon come out of it,but i dont.
Hi Ankita, it’s best to release fear in this state, on this page I share techniques for doing so.
Hey there,
After last night’s dream I decided to see if what I experienced happens to other people as well. I’m glad I found your page. So, I’ve been trying to lucid dream for months-I’m 17 and I’ve never successfully lucid dreamt except the few times I got too excited and woke myself up-and last night I think I did it. In my dream I was at a friend’s house when everything around me started shaking and I felt a strong pain in my teeth. At this point I wasn’t aware that I was dreaming. To see what was hurting so much I looked in the mirror and thats when I saw my reflection-I had no teeth. I was so scared before realizing that this wasn’t possible and I was actually in a dream. This time, as my mind got sucked into a space with colors and shiny mandalas I stayed calm and said “ok, you’re conscious now but don’t wake up”. I was really prepared to start lucid dreaming this time. Then, without knowing how people enter the dreams where they see actual things like the inside of a house, I got stuck in the colorful space as I waited, confused. I watched a lot of videos on lucid dreaming and I knew that if I started having negative thoughts, I would see scary stuff. So rather than staying in that space and risking a nightmare I solely said “wake up” and almost immediately, I did. So I thought this was just a regular entrance to a lucid dream but I wasn’t sure if everyone experienced it. Do you think it was the void? (I heard buzzing sounds as I got sucked out of my dream) If so, how can I start lucid dreaming rather than staying in there? Thanks a lot, I hope you see this 🙂
Hi Ece, congratulations on your lucid dream!
That’s great that you managed to avoid negative thoughts in the void.
To learn more about how to get into a lucid dream from that state, you could listen to a recent interview I did, here’s the link, hope it helps!
Lucid wishes,
Hello, had not a dream, but an experience tonight, in which all dots In normally see when my eyes are closed( it’s like little translúcid random flying small dots) aligned and formed a tunnel… at first it conducted me forward into this spacial void, and whenever I changed my eyeball direction, the dots followed its direction. After a feel seconds, inumerous abstract forms started shifting, endlesslly… Collored random shapes that morphed into another weird shapes, and so this kept going for about 5min… At some point, it all stopped, and I was back in the tunnel, but then, at my visual focus point, a red light started shining. This is where it gets weird: The red light made the tunnel realign into a more conical shape, and I felt like I was not me, I was some kind of being , like a program, a robot I don’t know… This made me worry a little, then I opened my eyes… To my surprise the light was still there, following my movement… The tunnel was not crystal clear, I had to really focus in order to see it, but I was very conscious about the hole process…. It was a very nice experience! Matches the crazy coincidences I’ve been trough…
Thanks for sharing your experience Dr. Claufs, it’s so interesting to categorise what we see and feel in these states of consciousness. I’ve often experienced the dots and tunnels. It can be amazing to try to recreate the experience artistically, by drawing it or using a computer programme.
Had a dream that involved that invokved black void, although mines had a cube in the center. And it felt like the darkness was expanding. Whether expanding in or out I dont know.
I know it was hard to breathe and I was afraid.
Glad to see to it may be the start of finding an internal place to manifest and work through things.
Hi Christian, yes, it can be scary especially if we feel we can’t breathe freely. It’s important to relax in this state. It’s a gift really, to be effortlessly lucid, so release fear, knowing that you will awaken safely, and then just see what happens. Lots on this in Llewellyn’s Complete Book of Lucid Dreaming if you want to see where it can take you. Cubes seem fairly common, sometimes made of light, or people find themselves floating inside them for healing.
Enjoy the ride,
I’ve always just seen black while sleeping. I rarely have dreams. I can get myself to finish a dream though and one or two have forced themselves to finish when I went back to sleep. I’m not really sure if what I experience is the void dreaming, but it’s one of the closet explanations. When I fall asleep I’m greeted by black until I wake up. It’s not bad because it’s not feelings of anxiety or anything involved. Just a sense of black, if black was a sense.
Interesting to see what emerges from the blackness if you attempt to imagine a scene and bring it to life. Otherwise, it’s nice to simply be in a meditative restful space.
I was stay up late up to 2 o’clock, and in the mid of sleep, I heard some strange sound like when we move at high speed. I felt my body fly back and fort, but I could see nothing, then I see some blur yellow light and felt my feet touch the ground (I had been flying all the time). Everything was so clear, I thought it is lucid dream :)), I had several experience before but this is the first lucid void one.
congratulations Marc! 🙂
I had this dream last night and I did have a panic react to it. It was weird though. It was almost like a sleep paralysis thing, but that’s not something I’ve ever suffered from and I’m 50. I was dreaming I was lying in bed, or I was really awake lying in bed when suddenly everything went completely black and I had the sensation of falling. There was nothing but absolute blackness around me. I had the feeling of an evil presence in that void too. Maybe I’ve just seen one too many horror movies. And I screamed, but I couldn’t scream. And then I woke up. And when I woke up, I was at first afraid to open my eyes. But eventually I did and looked at the time and then went back to sleep for a non-eventful rest of the night. Strange.
Hi Chester, it can feel scary for sure, and many people have a panic reaction the first time it happens, and yes, horror movies don’t help 😉 But if it happens again, take deep breaths and relax, release fear and be curious. It’s quite amazing to fall and fall knowing you won’t get hurt, and that you’ll wake up safely in your bed after this experience! Enjoy the weirdness.
I’ve been having a new lucid dream that is perplexing. I have “easter eggs” in my dreams to signal confirmation that I’m dreaming. For the past year when I see a sign, everything disappears and I’m in an expansive white room that echoes when I speak. My body feels like it’s tingling top to toe. Then a man walks in that I think I know, but he’s wearing a white mask. He never speaks in the dream, but I can hear his breathing and grunts. I get frustrated that he won’t speak and have fought him…he never fights back. I touch him and can feel his arms and his hair and whiskers under the mask.
When I wake up, I will feel his arm or hand still in my hand. I look down to see if it’s still there but it isn’t. Until I look at it, I can feel the warmth and textures. Anyone know what this is about? I’m not scared, but just want to understand it better. Thanks!
Hi Tori,
I often turn up in white rooms too… but in mine, the person present is often a consciousness explorer, or someone I know who is deceased, and we talk on a high level about the nature of the universe, or about death.
Maybe instead of fighting the guy, just sit with him and see what happens? Or ask him a respectful question, or send him healing light… just try some different approaches. Could be he has something to teach you if you just stand back and go with the flow.
Enjoy your explorations!
Since 2 days I started with a technique that i saw in a video. Its about if you see your hands in a dream that this is the cue that you are dreaming and can get conscious. The first night nothing happened. Last night I had a dream in which I suddenly was washing my hands and realized in the dream that I was dreaming. As soon I realized it the dream image stopped and turned in to a sandy brown color and like falling sand it collapsed from top to bottom. Everything was white and I remember that I was thinking: “What now?” Than I woke up. The same night it happened again in another dream.
I doesn’t say in the video what do do in this situation. They only talk about changing your dream like you want to. I already had that experience but this one that the dream stops is new to me.
Do you have some advise for me what to do or how to explore my experience to another level? Im very spiritual and developing psychic abilities that I already had. Everything is changing as are my dreams.
Hi Wesley,
it’s natural that your dreams are changing, reflecting psychospiritual change.
The experience you describe, where the dream scenery vanishes and you find yourself in whiteness, sounds to me like the Lucid Light.
Stay in the white light, relax, meditate, be open and free in your mind. If you like, ask a question, but often the most rewarding experiences come when we release any desire to shape the experience. It depends on your level of lucidity. You could ask: “show me something I need to know”. Or simply allow your consciousness to expand until you become one with the light.
I discuss the Lucid Light in depth in Llewellyn’s Complete Book of Lucid Dreaming, along with other spiritual lucid states.
Enjoy this deep new phase of dreaming!
Thank you for your reply. I bought your book and Im sure its going to help me get the most out of my experiences.
Thanks Wesley, I hope you enjoy my book and expand your lucid experiences 🙂
I had a dream about the void, i was not frightened i actually felt relaxed, when i landed on an invisible piece of land and i closed my eyes and i was at a new location, i closed my eyes again and i was back at the void. I wanted to know what does this mean?
Sounds like a good experience Logan, a nice bit of experimentation with the possibilities of the lucid void, showing you how you can take your awareness from one type of dream space to the next with the power of intention.
Have fun playing with the potential of this fascinating state of consciousness!
I am a very lucid dreamer and I was only asleep for 20 minutes when this happened. I felt like I was floating, asking if I was floating, but there was nothing. Just absolute complete darkness. I straight up felt like I had taken the worse drugs on a terrible trip or dying. Then I head my own voice getting louder, telling me “noon ughhhh ughhh” and I was lucid so I was thinking of ways to get out and so I counted and made it to 3 and woke with a jolt. This was terrifying!!!! What you describe sounds peaceful. I didn’t get there on purpose so any advice on not thinking I’m dying?
Hi Quartni, it’s important to stay calm and peaceful inside. Then the thought-responsive environment of the dream or dream space grows calmer and we can present yet feel safe and protected. My book The Art of Lucid Dreaming has easy practices for cultivating a sense of peace, calm and safety in scary dream spaces. Remember that you will wake safely from this experience. Remember to breathe slowly and deeply, this is the fastest route to calming down.
Good luck and trust that all will be well, these sleep experiences can teach us so much once we transcend excess fear and engage with curiosity 🙂
Ever since i was i kid whenever i dream i am either in a weird dream at first but then after some time i enter into this blank white space… Or im already at this blank white space.. and i can always bring anything i want in this blank space.. but after some time this huge giant multi colored ball will pop out in this blank white world it it will always try to squish me indiana jones style.. haahaha and the ball is super fast like a 20x fast forward movie…
I’ve heard similar reports of this kind of ball, John. One woman realised she could make it recede by calming her breathing. Remember, these spaces are thought-responsive. Try a different reaction next time the ball appears if you want to experience change.
The blank white space is a space of infinite potential, like the black void.
Enjoy your lucid explorations!
I had a dream in which I had a lucid instance by realising things were quite off. As soon as I went lucid I slipped into this void. Then I arose in a false awakening in another dreamscape. How do I modulate this experience into an ideal lucid experience?
Hi Wirayuda, in the void, try visualising a scene very vividly, allow it to build around you, then glide into that scene.
Also – spend time before bed visualising your ideal lucid experience.
Plenty more ideas on this in my Complete Book of Lucid Dreaming. You may need to work on maintaining lucid awareness so you don’t end up in a false awakening. Good luck with your experiments.
I had a dream where I felt as if I was nothing in a dark void and I had a choice to be in there and was curious so I went into it and instantly stopped breathing I let it go for a second I could hear a buzzing noise and felt very relaxed and peaceful yet scared so I tried to escape and managed to wake up gasping for air my girlfriend said I stopped breathing is this the void?
This sounds like it could be a void experience, but could also be the onset of sleep paralysis since you say you tried to escape and woke up gasping… Also, the buzzing noise often comes as we are about to have an out of body experience (OBE).
Unless you stop breathing and wake up gasping for air multiple times a night, there is no need to worry. (If this does happen multiple times a night, see a sleep medicine doctor as it could be sleep apnoea). In your case, I think it seems you held your breath and then got scared and panicked.
Next time, remember to breathe and relax deeply, go with the experience, it could be the start of an amazing adventure. You will wake up safely after these experiences.
Lucid wishes,
Thanks for posting.
I had this void experience and wondering if someone could help me figure out a few things.
First…. I was alone……. in the middle of the galaxy ( so it appeared…… when I realized I was alone I started panicking and filled with terror!
It was horrible.
I’d this a normal response?
Also, I was aware that this place was eternal….. has anyone “felt” eternity here?
I had a dream last night where I became aware I was asleep and instantly thought, I’m in control and took off rocketing into the skies. Once I was yo there I said I will go further and began to rocket into space. I encounter wormholes with bright neon purple and blue patterns. Once I exited I had no body, there were no colors just blackness. I tired to just be, and stay relaxed, I couldn’t. I started feeling anxious, to see more, fearing that’s all there was. I tried to picture all colors, then I woke up still in a dream and not aware the I was dreaming. Then I finally woke up for real. I try to fly in almost every dream I have consciously or unconsciously. Usually I can only go so far and it’s hard to stay in the air. This time it was easy like gravity was at my control. I didn’t want the dream to end and I always have dreams where I wake up in another dream. Curious about why I always fly and when I’m aware I’m sleeping my first instinct is to fly.
Amazing dream! Flying is super common in dreams as we are in a light, flexible dream body and it feels natural and beautiful to fly around.
This is so interesting reading everyone’s experiences, I’ve had two experiences of being in the void in the last three days, in the morning just before i wake up. i’ve been getting a lot deeper in my meditations lately and feeling into my energy body so I think that’s why it’s happening. Both times i’m slowly spinning and can feel energy moving in my physical body. The first time I heard just a very basic drum pattern but the second time (this morning) i heard a full song sung by a woman it was very beautiful and then another song sung by a man playing a handpan neither of the songs i’ve heard in real life and yet they sounded incredible. I have no music talent at all so i find it amazing that there’s some part of me that can create that while i’m conscious. I was concerned i was going to have voices in my head forever at one point so I opened my eyes and it stopped immediately then when i closed them it immediately continued. Just found this page now keen to look around and try to learn some more about lucid dreaming I would like to learn how to make my lucid dreams last longer lately I can only look around briefly before waking up, do you have any suggestions for where I could learn? Thanks x
Thanks for sharing your experience! I have also had deep powerful musical experiences in lucid states, despite not being able to compose music in the waking state. We have such powerful reserves of creativity, it is amazing.
Next week I’m starting two new Transformative Lucidity groups, if you are keen to learn more about stabilising lucid dreams and dive deeper into the subject, check them out on the Retreats and Workshops page of this website:
Hope this helps, enjoy your journey into lucid dreaming!
So there’s a lot of people leaving their experiences with the dark void I’m surprised, I thought I would add mine which occurred about 3 months ago.
Slipping between an awake state & dream I found myself suddenly in an infinite void. I remember feeling like my consciousness was eternal or infinite and that thought wasn’t required here.
It’s a place where you can simply “be”, it’s Impossible to describe.. its like you are nothing and at the same time you are everything.
My assumption is this is the place we are in deep sleep, however because there is no lucid objective experience in regular deep sleep, we don’t bring the experience or memories back when we wake.
But when we become lucid in the void, we create an experience & bring back memories.
This is also the place our consciousness merges with at death, but the mind can also choose to stay in a lucid state at death (resulting in an NDE) this would explain the very subjective experience in NDE’s – you see what you believe. Instead of an NDE you can simply merge back into infinite consciousness, both options are fine. But… the infinite void is our true being & nature, the mind is temporary finite used to experience the world.
Thanks for sharing this experience and your thoughts on it, Josh.
Yes, the void can give us an experience of infinite consciousness.
In Llewellyn’s Complete Book of Lucid Dreaming I dive deeply into the void, the Lucid Light, and liminal states such as SP to see what they can teach us about the nature of life, death and the universe.
Lucid wishes,
Hi Clare,
I haven’t heard of that book, I’ll check it out. If you recommend any others, please let me know.
What would the dream mean if it was a really dark wall or screen has a pure white ball/dot goes down the center of the dark screen slowly?
What would the dream mean if it was a really dark wall or screen and has a pure white ball/dot goes down the center of the dark screen slowly? (sorry spelling error)
Sounds like the void. The small white dots are what I experienced also, but it’s the state of awareness or state of infinite expansion which is the biggest sign you are in the void.
I usually had this void, I’m a natural lucid dreamer. But during the initial days, I felt so uncomfortable, because I could feel a complete separation from my body, and felt like breathing is getting down and heart beats are being stopped. Then entering into the void, I’ve tried a lot to explore but nothing was there except an endless dark void. I was aware about my body, but completely detached from it, even though I felt like I’m a part of the void or being immersed into it, just like a static space with no objects, no movements.
I had the very similar dream from when I was 4 to 12. the panic was severe ended up at hospital more than a few times. it was once or twice a week till 7 or 8 I remember. at this point, I learned to control my panic while waking up, and not to enter the void sometimes, but still had the dream few times a month.
Then, I had it only once a year as I was 12, and had the last dream when I was 13. the last two were different to the previous dreams. it happened while taking a nap and watching myself getting into the void. especially, the last one was different. I knew before it started
The difference with your experience was the connection with the body. I didn’t feel my body or limbs when the dream started, only thing I could feel was the four of extremely heavy weight and density like the hands and feet. and they expanded infinitely
I always lucid dream and go to this one certain place everytime I do. A house. And within the house are huge gigantic rooms with different things each. In the house there is 4 people I am with. I always talk to them and treat them as my dearest friends. Before appearing in the house however, I always end up in a black space. Nothing in it. Sometimes there is a person with me, sometimes there will be an event happening there in the void but not always. I was always curious about what it was about and thankfully I found this article. I’d want to tell more about my lucid dreaming but it is definitely a long long story.
When I dream I wake up in an infinite black box.
I can do anything I can walk anywhere, but there isn’t really anything to do.
It’s just a black box and I stay there for around a minute or 5 and then wake up again.
Nothing happens in this black box it just feels like it speeds up time considering I
was only there for around 5 minutes and suddenly I wake up in real life 10 hours later.
I still don’t know what this means and I’ve been in this dream for the past 5 years.
I tried searching it up and it says I am waiting for something to happen.
Is this true?
I have a dream actually real. Some people don’t have any experience in vision during sleep. I am hard of hearing, I don’t have any experience everyone else has. Because I can’t hear what the person said to me. Sometimes I get connection to God who talking to me in sleep like taking real seriously about family members or someone else I don’t know. Can you please explain why and what is the difference between real or not real.
Back to 3 or 4 years ago, I fell asleep and so quite during bedtime. My deep sleep I never had any experience before. It does not mean I chasing the star but deep ,very deep I was out of cold, standing in dark space with many stars and just one biggest star it is twilight star that’s so bright, I following the star but can’t reach out, barely cold, someone have been calling my name, I don’t know who is it but surely it’s a man and what I see it’s Jesus or should be someone else. he help me off the ground, try to talk to me but I don’t understand what he going to say then twilight star ( light ) flashing closer to me and He is just gone. I cries and said don’t leave me here. I keep chasing until next morning I woke up like sweating or freeze. I never forget my dream and I don’t know how I go back to connecting to God for answer. This is my deep experience sleep I never had. Can you please explain this to me what do you think? I am trying to find some answers God wants me to look for someone or something going happening in life time. Please email me asap. Thank you.. If you can’t help then I have to find myself some answers who will I talk to in serious situations.
For a few months now I’ve been having a dream that’s similar to this, it’s lucid so I can do stuff but the difference is that it’s completely back and no matter where I go, there’s nothing and the whole time I feel anxious and an overwhelming sense of dread, I usely start in this place when I do have this dream but the other night I had one where at first it wasn’t lucid and it was where I was getting bullied, insulted, and beat up before being dragged into a dark room which then turned into the lucid void thing but with the same anxiousness involved, I’m not sure why I keep ending up there but I thought I should share this to see if another opinion, also if this helps, I have been diagnosed with depression and anxiety and before being diagnosed I had depression since 7th grade and anxiety 8th grade (I just remeber the symptoms of them then and I’m in 10th grade now) and also I have been bullied a lot at school, so hopefully those factors can help a bit lol
Hi Ciku,
I’m sorry to hear about these really unpleasant experiences, poor you. Dreams are usually psychological spaces, so I imagine from what you say here that the school bullying and the feelings it creates in you are causing these recurring dreams. In my view, it’s important to work with these dreams while awake, for example by drawing the feelings and imagery, and then drawing some help into the dream. And you can also try a dream re-entry technique where you mentally re-enter the dream but then change things in ways which leave you feeling empowered and healed. I write about how to do this in my books (especially The Art of Lucid Dreaming and The Art of Transforming Nightmares). But I think you would benefit from seeing a dream therapist. Can your parents help you to find somebody?
It is great that you can get lucid in your dreams, as you can transform nightmares and create a lot of deep healing through lucidity. The lucid void is a space of infinite potential, next time you find yourself there please try breathing calmly to allow the anxiety to fade, and vividly picture a scene of great peace and beauty. Also try imagining a power animal or strong protector is with you in that space. You see, dreams are thought-responsive environments, so what you feel and think will shape your experience.
In general, it concerns me that you have been bullied a lot. Nobody deserves that treatment, and I hope you are being supported by your family and the school. This can be a really tough time in life, but things will get better! Just make sure please to get the help you need.
Also, it could be good to try daily breathing techniques to help you calm your anxiety, and this will help not only in waking life but also in your dream world.
I wish you all the best, Ciku, and hope that life gets better very soon.
I wish you beautiful dreams,
Hey so I’m not completely positive this is the same but I’ll explain. Sometimes when I’m thinking of something I don’t feel I nodded off until I wake up. But during this time I’m still thinking and even still visualize what I think I’m as if I’m sitting in my own mind. This space is black as ever else says. I only once realized I was in this space. Usually I’m too focused on my thought but the last time o guess I lost my train of thought and I could see this black space and I could still hear sounds from my awake body like my fan and tv. I explained this to a friend who is psychic and he says it’s the beginning of astro project but I’m unsure and would like another opinion.
Hi, it sounds like you enter the hypnagogic state and then drop into the void on your way into sleep.
When you are simultaneously aware of your inner world (black void, with thoughts) and outer world (sounds of TV etc), this shows you are in a liminal state of consciousness, this is a great springboard state for lucid dreaming or out of body experiences.
Hi clare i always have mutiple dreams when im asleep but when it changes im in the void is the void somehow connected to the dreams? Im used to haveing mutiple dreams but sometimethey get to the point where they go way out of wack and i have to force myself to wake up. Is there a way that i can control my dreams when they go wack?
Hi Jace, I often think of the void as “the gap between dreams”, a space of huge potential. If you’re interested in learning more about this, check out Llewellyn’s Complete Book of Lucid Dreaming as it explores the void and neighbouring states of consciousness.
Hi Clare I’ve experienced the black space many times and i know i’m in it but i want to dream but i cant dream or create a dream no matter how hard i try. Is there a way that i can create them in the void ?
Hi Jace, if visuals aren’t working, try music! Begin to hum or sing or imagine the sound of instruments, and let this build around you. Experiment, be playful! 🙂
Ok thanks I will try. I have always been interest in dreams and how sometimes they can connect to things in the real world like deja vu.
I was wondering if it is possible to manifest things in the void? Like people and or objects, and those things that I manifest are tangible, and I can also do things with them. For example, if I manifest a car, can I drive it? I heard you can create in the astral with the power of thought. Wondered if this was also possible in the void. And whether there are still limits to what you manifest?
Hi Brenda, yes, you can manifest int he lucid void. No, there are no limits 🙂 We tend to impose our own unconscious limits as to what is possible. Transcend these and the possibilities become infinite.
Dankuwel voor uw antwoord, nu snap ik deze materie eindelijk!
I found myself in a state of just pure emptiness, I and my boyfriend, and it felt like we were the only ones in the whole universe, we suddenly were the only ones in the whole existence, and I found myself questioning where I was because it didn’t feel natural, I felt stuck just being with my partner asking the same question and getting the same reply, and it felt like an eternity. And I knew this wasn’t an existence I wanted to be a part of. But for some reason I couldn’t snap myself out of that state, then it felt like something else was finding it’s way into my dream, my breathing began to slow down, as the blackness and nothingness faded away, as a room I recognized came into the picture, I could feel myself dreading whatever was coming, it felt like I was changing to accommodate it’s welcome. My boyfriend who was beside me came in to frame but it wasn’t him. What felt like a 8feet distance quickly became an up close encounter, I started to cry from the jump because this dream felt familiar, it felt like I had faced this thing before and I didn’t like it.
My boyfriend snapped his head and his eyes were a stark white as he started chanting something. That felt like a question. And the way I spoke was different, even different from ny usual dreams.
It felt like I was supposed to give an answer to what was being chanted. But I couldn’t.
Thank you for this! It is the only info I could find online about what I have been experiencing!
I go to sleep and I’m in total blackness, I look around and nothing is there for ages until suddenly something pops up right in my face and frightens me and I wake up with a jolt. I have had lucid dreams before but they have been colourful, story type dreams and I’ve just decided what I want to happen and it changes but never this darkness before.
I did wonder if I was travelling to another astral realm or something. It’s a very strange experience! I will try to relax and see what I can find next time it happens now!
It’s a wonderfully creative space, so I hope you’ll have some fascinating adventures exploring next time you find yourself in the void 🙂
Hello, I recently had what I would classify as a lucid dream, although at the time I felt I was high on DMT it took me some time to realize that It wasn’t actually the case and that I was dreaming.
At first, my dream involved me getting high on DMT but trying to keep my eyes open this time instead of closing them, I wondered (before sleeping how different the experience would be as I had never kept my eyes open). Anyways, while dreaming that I am getting high I decided to try and open my eyes (inside my dream/while dreaming) and this is where I felt I unlocked a new state, I wqs suddently floating in water very soothing, yet I could breath easily, when I openend my eyes the being there saw me at first that scared me, so I decided to Open my eyes, and I exited this universe briefly and opened my eyes in real life as well seing for less than a second my real body in my bed sleeping. But my will to go back and explore were so powerful, and truth is my eyes were heavy so they would immidiately close back. Then I would be thrusted into the void again, seeing a spiral, and entering the portal in front of me into another “reality?” this time i decided to be courageous and keep my eyes open although other being were seeing me, but every time it would get too scary or intense I would open my eyes again to change reality. In total I must have travelled thorugh 4-5 portals, everytime entering a dfferent reality some more dreamlike where I was able to solve problems, and fulfill my sexual desires, other much weirder with interactions with “non human beings?!” and one infinite void of blue shades that kept changing and get more infinite although it was soothing scared me at some point and I had to leave.
As I have mentioned before my first conscious belief was that I was doing a DMT trip with eyes open, as that felt closest to what I had experienced before. But even though my eyes were wide shut they felt open and when I was opening them seing my physical body in bed It felt like I was closing them. After the second time I started questioning what I was seeing when I was really opening my eyes and that’s when I realized that I wasn’t acctualy high but more like dreaming. I was then in a mid state between both sleep and awake remembering all of it so that I can transcribe it when I woke up.
And the weirdest thing is that I had an intention to have a weird dream before sleeping, and for that reason I fought my insomnia by not taking xanax (best decision ever)
I guess my question is what am I supposed to achieve with that experience, can I get to a state where i am constantly lucid dreaming? is there a benefit from it ? damages?
Thank you for your time,
I wish you not only great dreams but also lucidity
I’m only here because this happened to me. The vision was delivered to me several days after the void. Absolutely changed my path
I’ve been there before but it was like I could see a form of numbers and I felt like I was sucked into a wormhole of white noise that made me feel like I was traveling fast
I’ve only had these type of dreams a few times in my life. But I don’t find myself floating. Each time I’m hurling into this void at light speed. Wondering if I’ve just died. If this is what it’s like being taken up. It’s that real and vivid. I can see this imagery flying by me as I go up. Then I wake up.
Yes, this super-fast bodiless flight is an amazing experience. I call it soul flying.
Hi Dr. Clare
Pretty sure I am in a lucid void now. Have physiological healing to do I think i am in the process of. Do i come through to a balanced functional embodied state again with which to function. I haven’t had a connected on going functional mental state for a while. Part of me feels very good, that something is on the horizon…& sometimes i swing to a very futile state…everything is very foggy & intensely dark when i close my eyes. Does the process have me & is taking me through? Thanks. Colin Your article speaks to exactly how i feel.
Hi Colin, I’m sorry to hear you are not feeling connected and are sometimes feeling futile. I hope you have friends or a trusted doctor or family member to speak to.
The lucid void is a state we enter during non-REM sleep, and although it can be healing, if you are not feeling mentally functional, please don’t rely on this state. Instead, take time to be out in nature, eat and sleep well, and get help. I wish you all the best in your life.
Warm wishes,
Hi again, can’t remember if a new embodied physical connected state emerges. Feeling very displaced in space. I am talking but it feels like a lot of intense energy coming at me. Thanks again…
Hi there, How wonderful to find others who have experienced the void! I’ve read through quite a few of them but none sound similar to what I experienced. I’ve never had lucid dreams, in fact, I hardly even remember my dreams most of the time, and if I do they usually make no sense. This time I became aware in my sleep. The first thing I became aware was the black void. The next thing I became aware of was no physical sensation, meaning that I was outside of my body, or my body wasn’t there. The moment I was aware of that, I felt instant expansion and almost simultaneously I felt I was One, I was Everything at once… Everything happened so fast and so clearly. After feeling the expansion, I felt Infinity… and then the words I AM came to me from this void, not so much as a sound, but more like energy passing through me. Following the I AM, I felt eternal… another I AM passed through me and I felt limitless… then very suddenly I felt incredible feeling of love wash over me, like if I was suspended in it. And then I experienced the most incredible feeling of bliss, beyond what I can describe, it was so beautiful. And then again, out of the void, came the message saying ‘Everything is Perfect, Everything is Exactly as It Should Be’ and with that I experienced the sensation of incredible safety… I’ve never felt this safe in my entire life. Like I knew that nothing can hurt me. And that was it, I just woke up the next day like nothing ever happened, but totally aware of this experience. It felt more real than how I feel in everyday life. It was beautiful and profound, and I will never forget the sensations of peace, eternity, infinity, oneness. It’s changed my life forever. Knowing that this dimension exists gives me great comfort.
How beautiful, Kamila, thank you for sharing your profound void experience. Yes, it can be life changing and so remarkable.
I wish you many more such experiences of total safety and peace,
Hello all!
I am so relieved and happy to have found you since I have so much to share.
In my childhood I always had vivid dreams, starting as early as 5 I can remember. I was an avid sleepwalker, had one experience traveling OBE, and would remember my multiple dreams every single night.
Through this, I found out about astral projection and lucid dreaming. This was when I was 10, over the years I had tried frequently, sometimes for weeks to induce the lucid state.
A few years ago I realized I was lucid for the first time but I got excited and woke myself up lol. Since that time I began randomly becoming lucid near the end of a dream and waking up from it.
The void
Recently I have been meditating on liminal spaces, and have asked for assistance in lucid dreaming. Only a few days later I experienced a truly profound dream. I was living on a loop, I wanted to escape and the only way I could do that was by throwing myself into a never-ending abyss found in this verticle crack in the ground. This I did.
At first, all of space became dark, like someone turned off the lights in a room, accompanied by the sounds of fast-moving wind flying by my ears. My body is dropping through space, and gaining speed. In an instant, there began a red light all around me, whispers ineligible though faint and of many voices. This is when I started panicking, it felt like I was falling through this space for an eternity but It was only a second until I was falling through this gigantically terrifying underground excavation. On the wall in front of me was Shiva the Hindu god carved from the mountainous underground stone that was a beige color. I fell through space with incredible speed but I passed the God in front of me slowly, in awe of the magnitude of space that surrounded me, a vastness I had never experienced.
I put my book down and lay my head sure I would open my eyes in the morning. Suddenly I am in what feels and looks like a vortex tornado hybrid. Grey space funneled all around me as I endlessly fell through it, with glimmers of flashing lights, almost like lightning. A cloudy mist, a milky grey white, it was empty yet full, there was so much fear to feel yet nothing there and that was the EXACT reason why it was so scary. In the void I felt myself falling through space, my body felt the stomach drop and butterfly sensation consistently (as if on a forever rollercoaster drop).
Needless to say, I will continue working with the void as I plan to get more comfortable. Would you recommend anything for that fear of nothingness when in the void? Thanks <3
Thank you Elena for this fascinating account of your experiences!
In the void, if fear arises, relax and breathe, knowing you will wake up safely. An attitude of curiosity is helpful.
It sounds like you’re doing really well and having some truly awesome adventures.
I had a few dreams that I would call ‘void dreams’, however I was never alone. The background is pitch black, the back absorbed all/most light. First time was when my cat died. I sat in the void with her sitting in my lap allowing me to say good bye (she died before I could say bye to her in life), second time was a silhouette of a person of light. I could not make out details because of how bright and far away they were. The third was just before waking up a hornet was staring at me. I felt no fear or hostility, but these dreams have me very confused because I can’t find answers anywhere on what they might be telling me, so I was wondering if it is possible for it to still be a ‘void dream’ if you are not alone?
Hi Kira, sorry about your cat. Yes, it is absolutely possible to not be alone in the void. How beautiful that you were able to say goodbye to your cat in that space.