Life can be tough, and we all face challenging situations as we go through life. A war breaks out, or a loved one dies, or our finances are in a mess and we are steeped in fear, unable to see a way forward.
On the level of consciousness, awareness of death can be a valuable thing. Too often, we sleepwalk through our lives with no real awareness of who we are, why we are here, and what life is all about. Death sharpens our awareness, reminds us of who we love the most, and what is most important in our lives. Death raises our lucidity. Death is a major spiritual transition; a trip we will all take sooner or later.
It seems to me that part of living a lucid, conscious life means releasing excess fear so that we can think straight and react with calm awareness and compassionate solidarity even as difficult events unfold. Fear weakens us. It weakens our power to react to a situation with clarity.
The hope is that we emerge from crises wiser and more compassionate, with a clearer vision of how to stay united as one global family. We need to stay lucid and do what we can to help others as we navigate the situation.
During difficult life situations, there is always time for dreaming: our dream bodies – and our minds – are free to fly wherever they want to go. We can practise this in waking visualisations, healing meditations, daydreams and fantasies… and in our nighttime dreams, out of body experiences, and lucid dreams.
For me, staying lucid in challenging times involves the following:
- Take care of others: we can give solace and comfort in many ways.
- Release excess fear: when we are over-fearful, we actually create more fear and panic in the world. We can release fear by meditating or being in nature. Give yourself a treat so you feel cherished and calm.
- Look within. When we work to heal ourselves and clarify our purpose in life, we are better able to support others who are in need.
- Notice beauty. There is so much beauty everywhere; just look at a tree or a flower. It’s good to allow beauty and joy into your heart every day to stave off feelings of anxiety and depression. Let nature lift your spirits. You are better equipped to help others when you feel internally balanced and well.
- Visualise healing solutions, send love and compassion to the world. It does help. It also has the effect of raising your consciousness and connecting you with your soul. We could all use greater soul connection during tough times.
- Connect with loved ones in lucid dreams. Incubate a dream about someone you love, or visit them the next time you become lucid.
Lucid dreaming can help us on so many levels. It can help us with inner expansion and healing, and it can lift our spirits. We can often find creative solutions to our situation through engaging with the wisdom of lucid dreaming.