A dream come true: In beautiful Arizona last month, I had the honour of becoming the new President and CEO of an amazing global dream community, the International Association for the Study of Dreams (IASD).
In my acceptance speech, viewable below on video, I share how a childhood lucid dream of drowning started my lifelong quest to study lucid dreaming.
IASD has been working for decades to create a peaceful world dream. When we dream, we are all equal, regardless of cultural and linguistic differences, skin colour, gender, sexual orientation and religious affiliation: through exploring dreams, we connect on the soul level.
IASD supports and brings together many people; scientists, students, dreamworkers, artists, on their path to discover more about the fascinating world of dreams, nightmares, sleep disturbances, and human consciousness. Find out more here, and join our growing dream community!
[This video was privately commissioned by Dr. Clare Johnson. Many thanks to videographer Christine Anderson for creating it © 2018. ]