Are you aware that there is an entire, warm and welcoming community of dreamers? A group of people whose dream life may mean as much to them as yours does to you?

The International Association for the Study of Dreams (IASD) organises yearly conferences where dreamers from all over the world come together to connect. It also has online dream conferences. The next one is in Phoenix, Arizona, June 16-20, just weeks away now!
It’s an amazing feeling to meet so many like-minded people, as I found when I attended my first conference about 14 years ago.
This year I’ll be presenting a Mindful Dreaming workshop where I share my transformative dreamwork techniques, and I’ll also be presenting on emotional healing in lucid dreams alongside Robert Wagonner, who will discuss physical healing. Finally, I’ll be showing a wonderful lucid dreaming documentary, “Painting Doors: The Art of Lucid Dreaming”, and leading a discussion about all aspects of lucidity, nightmare solutions, and
deep lucid dreaming.
Come along if you can!
If not this year, then come to join us in the Netherlands next year 21st-25th June 2019.
IASD website:
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