Amazing lucid dreams book project

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In a lucid dream, you know that you are dreaming while you are asleep and dreaming.

Lucid dreams have helped people to overcome trauma, excel in exams, recognise illness in the body, learn a new skill, become less anxious, and get original ideas for inventions, business, and art.

Have you had an amazing lucid dream, one which has changed your perspective or taught you something? Perhaps a lucid dream helped you understand how to solve a relationship problem or dissolve a creative block, or maybe it was so gorgeous or powerful that every time you think of it you feel stronger.

Some people have dreamed lucidly of their deceased loved ones and this has helped them in the grieving process. Others report lucid dreams which they feel have healed them physically or emotionally.

People sometimes ask me, “What’s the point of lucid dreaming – what can it do for me?” It would be nice to be able to hand them a book full of the amazing lucid dreams of visitors to this website. If you have an amazing lucid dream to share for this book, please get in touch. I’m happy to hear from you, and my hope is that this book will inspire and empower others to explore lucid dreaming to improve their lives. At this stage I don’t know in which format it will be published, but I will keep you posted on all progress!

What I’m looking for:

The lucid dream, and the story surrounding it, should ideally be one that made a noticeable change in your waking life, gave you an insight or taught you something new. If working on the lucid dream afterwards (through writing about it or doing group dreamwork, for example) is what triggered an important insight, this is absolutely fine and needs to be included. Similarly, if you practised a sports skill in a lucid dream and found your waking performance improved, a brief description of the waking event is necessary.

I will be editing this book of lucid dream stories, and it would be really helpful if you could write in a clear style and include your emotions and insights. Imagine someone else reading your story and feeling inspired by it as they follow your journey of transformation.

Click here to fill in the form with your lucid dream experience and as a final step please don’t forget to tick the consent box (Contributor Agreement) to allow me to include your lucid dream in the book. This basically clarifies that you are still the owner of your lucid dream report but that you are giving me the right to edit and publish it.

Many thanks! By sharing your lucid dream experiences, you are helping others to see the bigger picture of what lucid dreaming can do.

Lucid wishes,

Dr Clare Johnson

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