If we open our hearts to our lucid dream figures, we may find they have a great deal to teach us.

Who are the people we meet in our dreams? How should we interact with them, what do we stand to learn, and are there any risks? Can we behave any way we like with our lucid dream figures, without repercussions?

How conscious are lucid dream figures? Some seem almost inert and thoughtless, others seem super-aware, as if they are more conscious than we are. Do we create our lucid dream figures… or do some of them have an independent awareness?

These are some of the questions I explore thoroughly in Llewellyn’s Complete Book of Lucid Dreaming, particularly in the chapter called The People You’ll Meet: Lucid Dream Mentors, Puppets, and Psychological Projections.

Here’s a link to an exclusive excerpt from the book, on how to engage with lucid dream figures. This is on the Dream Studies Portal run by my friend and fellow lucidity explorer, Ryan Hurd. The excerpt includes tips for interacting with lucid dream figures, and some lucid dream encounters with dream figures – like my beautiful ball of orange light.

What kind of experiences have you had with lucid dream figures? Anything shocking? Or magical? Or hilarious, or profound? I’d love to hear them.

On this video, I talk about lucid dream figures.

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